Act immediately
As soon as you discover your card missing, contact the appropriate agencies. The quicker you act, the better your chances of avoiding the stress and devastating impact of fraud and identity theft.
Report if your card is stolen
Notify us immediately
Monitor your expenses
Follow these three steps:
- To report a lost or stolen MasterCard Debit or Credit Card, please call 888-241-2510 (inside US) and 909-941-1398 (outside US).
- Please notify a credit union representative of the loss so a new account number and card can be issued. Contact us at 307-672-3445 or toll-free at 877-318-1961, Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. MST.
- Monitor your account activity for the next few statement cycles to ensure your account number has not been compromised. Notify us immediately if any fraudulent account activity is discovered.